Twitter Communities: a game-changer or another feature nobody will use?

If you’re a Twitter user, you may have noticed a new feature was added recently: Communities. As a Twitter junkie, here’s my thoughts.

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The day I learnt skills were more important than technology

Buying technology won’t solve your marketing and recruitment problems. Technology supports skills, experience and strategy, it doesn’t replace it. This might sound strange coming from the CEO of a company centred around an employee advocacy platform but hear me out with this seemingly unrelated story…

Social media tips for employees #4: did I mention consistency?

In my last daily #socialmediatips clip, I talked about the importance of consistency. Then I missed posting another tips clip for 2 days…

Social media tips for employees #3: starting to comment on social media

If you’re building a social media profile professionally or on behalf of your employer but you’re still nervous about starting to comment on social media, here’s a few tips to help get you moving.

Social media tips for employees #2: consistency

[Video] Social Media tips for employees #2: consistency and ignoring the negative inner voice. You don’t have to do much each day, you do have to do something!

Social media tips for employees #1: it starts with a comment

[Video] Bite sized social media tips from Nigel Cooper, COO at We Are Togethr. It all starts with a comment… add value, don’t big yourself up.

30 Day Social Club Poster

What is the 30 Day Social Club?

The first 30 Day Social Club launches on 25 April! Here’s a video with a little more about it and how it works.

Crystal Ball in sea with sunset

12 experts predict the game-changing digital marketing trends for 2022 & beyond

We’ve asked 12 leading marketers across B2B and B2C for their insights into digital marketing trends for 2022 and beyond. What are their predictions?

Robot and human shaking hands

Stand out with a human touch: 3 ways to make e-commerce more human

You can stand out with a human touch, even if more and more of your business is online. Here’s 3 of our top tips.

the next big thing scrawled on a wall

The search for better mousetraps

Launching ‘the next big thing’ is the holy grail of managers and entrepreneurs but how do consumers see it?

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