Togethr Platform

Brand content isn’t generally tailored to individual employees, making it hard for them to share it authentically or meaningfully to their own channels like Linkedin.

The Togethr app has AI-driven content personalisation features to solve this problem.

Employee influence

Your employees are the most trusted source of expertise about your company and what you sell. Train them to develop their professional social media presence and give them access to content they can personalise and share online.

Content amplification

Employees, when properly supported, can help you to expand your brand reach online, find the best talent and help the right customers to find, trust and buy from you. Success doesn’t lie in technology alone, but in a full, supportive advocacy framework.


Our Happy Employee Advocacy framework has launched pilots for some of the world’s leading brands. Download our FREE 9-step Framework and launch a pilot that gets results. 


Group social media training for employees in what they CAN do for your business, not just what they can’t. Rapidly transform employees into confident, happy content creators and brand ambassadors.


Make employee advocacy easy with the Togethr employee influence platform. Powerful tech which makes it simple to scale up, monitor ROI, motivate employees and manage risk.

Get in touch

Togethr Platform demo, employee advocacy training, consultancy, managed pilots, EA Strategy…

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